hypexp is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
List of changes

HypExp 2

HypExp 2.0 (19-APR-2011)

- Included new HPL version (28-SEP-2010)
- Fixed possible problems with numerical coefficients in Mathematica 8

HypExp 2.0 (18-Mar-2008)

- Bug in the expansion of HFs of type 3^1_1 under mathematica 6 corrected
- Bug in the expansion of certain HFs with argument 1 corrected (internal symbols C$ appeared)
- Bug in the implemetation of Series in Mathematica 6 corrected (the result of Series (wrong) did not match the result of HypExp (right) in some cases)
- Included HPL version 2.0 (06-DEC-2007) 

HypExp 2.0 (17-AUG-2007)

- HypExp can now expand some hypergeometric functions with half-integer parameters.
- Included HPL version 2.0 (17-AUG-2007)

HypExp 1

HypExp 1.1 (23-FEB-2006)

- Included new version of HPL 1.1 (23-FEB-2006)

HypExp 1.1 (16-JAN-2006)

- Expansion of certain Hypergeometric functions at unity faster
- PolyLog rules are only systematically applied if the constant $HypExpPolyLogRules is set True (default is False)
- some bugs removed:
    - Expansion of HF with small parameter multiplied by fractional coefficents or numerical constant with finite precision was sometimes buggy
- Series for negative order is possible (Series[Hypergeometric...[...],{e,0,-n}]
- Some problems with Mathemtica verisons 5.1 and 5.2 solved


- Bug in the installation and uninstallation scripts corrected (no change for Windows users).
  The libraries could in certain cases not be loaded.
  If you have an older version and want to use the libraries, you should do the following
        - move to the HypExp installation directory
        - delete the file .installed_libs:   rm .installed_libs
        - reinstall the libraries:                              ./install_libs


- HypExpInt does not evaluate in z = 1 for   χ2 < χ5, as the integral is divergent
- HypExpInt same algorithm, but faster in certain cases


- Bug in HypExpInt (in certain cases, final output contained internal functions) fixed.


- The package can also be used for Windows
- Installation script has changed, now much faster (the format of the libraries has been changed )
- The libraries were incomplete, now fixed
- The version of HPL has changed (the numerical evaluation of HPL's of arguments larger 1 was sometimes wrong, now fixed)

HypExp 1.0 (08-JULY-2005)

--- last update: 19 Apr 2011